quarta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2011

Speechless with this speech...

Segue texto que a Julia escreveu para um projeto da escola. Ela me autorizou a reproduzi-lo no nosso blog. Voces vao entender porque eu fiquei sem palavras...

"For my respect project i chose to draw four hands with different sizes and skin coulor to represent different cultures joining
together, to proof that no matter how or who we are, we can get along.
On each hand there is different drawings about respecting each other,self-respect, and respecting animals and the inviroment.On
one of the hands there is a acrostic poem about respect,because i wanted to include what i think respect is.I also included no-bullying sings because bullying
is one of our worst problems, it needs to stop.We want peace!And we can get peace by respecting each other!
i puted a saying on my drawing, it says:if life gives you lemons, make lemonades. It means if you have got something bad or awfull to deal
with, find the bright side of it, make something good out of it.If you have to wear braces or glasses, and you think it is ugly, or that people
are gonna laugh at you, think of it this way,that is what makes you unique!respect your self!
I drew a world on the hands, because the world is on our hands, and if we overcome our differences and respect ourselves, each other,
and the inviroment, we can change the world, the world can be a better place!"

Um comentário:

  1. Estou colocando em dia os blogs e os e-mails.
    Li o projeto da Júlia. A bisa e eu nos emocio
    namos muito. Que cabecinha linda! Parabéns e
    muitos bjs para ela.
